Sunday, January 4, 2009

Adventures in Urban Beekeeping...2009

Last year was my year to fulfill some of my lifelong dreams - the year when 'someday' became 'today.' Getting a great new job, travelling to Thailand, getting together a hiking group (of some of the most inspirational women I've ever met), and becoming a beekeeper were the most significant of these events. Beekeeping was special - as it was the thing that had been on my list since childhood - since my father kept a few hives behind our house. It was something that, like travelling to Asia, I might have never quite gotten around to doing. But 2008 was a magical year, when some of my life dreams became a reality.

For now, the short version is that I connected with the state apiarist, who is amazing (Phil Craft). He is generous in spirit and connected to the mission of his position. He told me about the Bluegrass Beekeeping School - held in March at KY State University in Frankfort. Getting up that morning, and driving to Frankfort, I felt more lighthearted and joyful than I had in a long time. I was amazed and inspired to see over 100 new beekeepers, plus the experienced ones, there for that day of learning and connecting. It was the experience that tipped me over to the other side...from an observer (reader) to do-er.

So I have had a year of beekeeping experience under my belt (maybe more on that later). For now, I am compelled to start this blog as I embark on this second year of beekeeping. This will be the year that I try to start a hive in my backyard - in an urban setting.


  1. What a great year 2008 was! I'm looking forward to visiting your hive in 09!

  2. Hope 2009 brings even more magical realities :) and I am looking forward to following your beekeeping adventures
